1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
  6. Managing Director
  7. Managing Director
  8. Managing Director
  1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
  6. Managing Director
  7. Managing Director
  8. Managing Director


American Electrical Education​

  1. Continuing Education
    We provide the best in class room State Certified Training in the state. Our 8 hour classes are designed to meet all state requirements. You receive a certificate stating you have completed your requirement for the subject. We do send our official roster to DORA so they can verify your participation.
  2. Test Preparation
    We have the most comprehensive course consisting of 800+ code reference questions you can review and highlight in your code book to insure you have great knowledge of how to use key words in questions to reference your code book. We also provide extensive training for all required calculations.
  3. Apprentice Training
    The state requires 288 hours of class room training before you are eligible to test. We offer classes two nights a week at 4 hours a night. You can complete all your required hours in as little as 9 months with our training courses. Our course will also prepare you to pass your Journeymans Test.
Our instructors are all licensed electricians in the state of colorado. They have all been through the same situation you are in now so they can relate to how you feel and what you are trying to accomplish. They will take the time to go over things as much as you need so you can feel confident about your educational needs. Weather its Continued Education for licensed electricians or Test preperation for Wirermens,Journeymens or Masters Licenses you can feel confident you are getting the criteria you need to fufill your situation. Our apprenticeship training course is approved and all hours get you eligable by the best instructors in the field.
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Jane Starbuck
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This area is 100% editable and you can use it to say whatever you wish to your website visitors. All the images are fully editable so you can add your own to customize each page.
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